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Can a Naturalized U.S. Citizenship Be Taken Away?

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Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a lawful permanent resident (LPR) after three years if you are married to a U.S. citizen or five years. Once a person becomes a U.S. citizen through the naturalization process, they cannot be deported, nor can citizenship be taken away.

There are some exceptions to this, however, and denaturalization is possible if a citizen received citizenship when they were not eligible or if they committed fraud to attain U.S. citizenship.

Can a Naturalized Citizen Be Deported?

A naturalized U.S. citizen is an individual that has been granted citizenship or permanent and indefinite residency in the United States. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, a naturalized U.S. citizen is a U.S. citizen and is no longer at risk of deportation.

Denaturalization is the process in which a person is stripped of their citizenship status. The grounds for this include an illegal or fraudulent naturalization process, the conviction of criminal activity, dishonorable military discharge, and dual citizenship in another country, to name a few examples.

If you are facing denaturalization and possible deportation, do not hesitate another minute, pick up the phone and contact our immigration attorney.

What Rights Does a Naturalized Citizen Have?

Naturalized citizens are U.S. citizens and share many of the same rights and responsibilities. This includes the right to vote, access to government benefits, and the ability to get a job in the public sector. Another advantage of becoming a naturalized citizen after fulfilling a lawful permanent residency is that U.S. citizens can no longer be deported, with some exceptions.

The only rights naturalized citizens do not have are the right to run for the Office of President or Vice President of the United States. They may run for public offices, such as mayor, school board, or city council.

How Do I Apply for Naturalization?

Our attorneys can help you apply for naturalization and fulfill your dreams of becoming a permanent U.S. citizen. To apply for naturalization and become a U.S. citizen, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have proof of being a lawful permanent resident for 3-5 years, depending on the specifics of your case
  • Be able to speak, write and read English
  • Show good moral character
  • Demonstrate knowledge of U.S. history and government and loyalty to the U.S. Constitution
  • Be willing to take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States

If you are applying for naturalization or facing denaturalization and other issues regarding your U.S. citizenship, contact our immigration attorney for immediate assistance. Call our offices today: 408-402-4967.

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